Ready to get rolling? Pick a project and build something awesome

This intermediate project uses pocket hole joinery to build the legs of this elegant standing planter.

This beginner project is not only a good way to get started with woodworking, but it is practical and guaranteed to satisfy for years to come.

Create an indoor or outdoor bench using timbers and live edge materials. This project is a great way to refine your skills and introduce you to larger dimension lumber
A brief overview of the format
Understanding the Format

Measure and Square
Make time now to ensure you have everything you need. To measure your lumber, look for a high-quality measuring tape. You will also need a square. For determining angles and marking cutting lines, I recommend a speed square for its ease of use. The framing square is the better tool for measuring 90-degree angles due to its size. Make sure your pencil is good and sharp for precision marks.

Level and Cut
Making good quality cuts is nearly impossible without a level. A small level will do for this task. Consider purchasing a 4 or 6 foot level, as it is practical for leveling finished projects. There are essentially two types of hand, those that cut on the push, or those that cut on the pull. The Japanese pull saws are more accurate and give a cleaner finished cut. I also personally find them easier to use. The American push saws are much larger and therefore have a longer cutting stroke. Try both and see which style you like better.

Drill and Fasten
Selecting a hand drill is really personal preference above anything else. Most drills have the same features and function; pick one you like. AS for screws, you will need a box of 1 1/4 inch screws. Any wood screw is fine. I recommend Deckmate screws as their star bit makes for easy driving. We will talk about pocket hole screws in the next section. You will also need a set of wood drill bits and appropriate driver bits. Because not everyone will want to invest in a Brad nailer, you can also get by with using wood glue insead for the finishing trim. 1 1/4 inch finishing nails are used should you choose to nail the trim.

Pocket Hole Jig
I love this tool; just get one! You will find a thousand and one uses for this tool. It makes strong and stable joints without a lot of fuss.

Clamp and Vice
When selecting a drill, it's best to try one out and see if you like it first. You will need at the very least a 6/32 drill bit and bit do drive the screws you use. Any 1 1/4 inch wood screw will work, however i recommend DeckMate screws as their star drill bit makes it easier to drive screws. If you cannot find 1 1/4 inch screws, you may use 1 3/8 inch screws, however, be careful not to countersink the screw as it may pop through to the other side