The Invisible Dream
Imagine you had a vision. A vision you could not see or touch. Imagine you felt you were being called to facilitate this visions entry into the world. Imagine you believed this vision to be the creation of something which the world had never seen, so unique that there was no reference point for it to be measured by. What if you believed that to nail down and define this vision would strip it of its essence and turn it into a self-indulgent dream. So you only ever felt its presence. You only ever followed its allure, convinced it called you to perceive it ever so delicately into existence.
You could never say what you were doing as you never really know. You begin to realize that in order to follow this calling, you could only navigate by your own compass, as no one else sensed it. You were creating something new out of your very perception. You can only do this alone. You will never get feedback and no one will ever understand. The people you love may think you selfish; you may lose relationship you thought you could not live without. But you persist. You persist because you are willing to lose everything you are, in service of something which can activate the potential for a new way of relating. A new way of communicating. A new way of being. A new way of perceiving ourselves and each other. So your heart aches with every loss as you surrender yourself and your will to something which you cannot define, which you cannot grasp. You have no confidence in yourself, but you can’t give up; you won’t give in. Maybe you’ve gone mad, and you’re certainly over the edge… there’s no turning back.
Perhaps everything you are losing is everything which needs to change about humanity, society, perception itself.
All you have to stand on are you own two feet. All you have to live for is a perception yet to be born. All you have to lose is nothing and all you’ve lost is who you once were. And in between chasing this invisible calling there is nothing. Emptiness. Nothing. One moment you know, the next moment it dies. It’s not up to you, it belongs to the universe, the universe of everything and nothing. A whisper on the breeze, a tear in the ocean.