The Illusion of movement – Infinity Physics
There is a multi/ bidirectional flow of information in the universe and its consciousness. Time is the perception of this flow of information through the lens of a unidirectional trajectory which we flatten over our projection of space. When you experience this bidirectional flow of information, everything stops moving and all reference points are lost and therefore your exploration becomes an experience within the whole. Without movement, experience gels together bringing unity in all that is.
If you experience what falls into “the past” and what moves into “the future” simultaneously, you become unified with your experience. Movement then morphs into awareness. Awareness is disguised as movement through the perception of a unidirectional flow of information (aka time).
We leave the darkness behind so we can see the light.
We leave the light behind so that we can experience the darkness.
But when we become aware of the bidirectional flow of information we de-polarize light/dark dark/light and we are left only with the awareness which is dark/light light/dark.
An example of such an experience is when you are acutely aware of everything moving by you as you move forward. When your focus becomes so aware of this simultaneous exchange, you begin to feel like you are not moving and all that remains is the experience and what it means to you. Movement is a space/time illusion which is designed to bring your attention to awareness; the fact is that all movement is bi-directional and therefore cancels itself out, what is being reorganized is the multi/ bidirectional flow of information based on your perception of the awareness that this illusionary movement brings you.