Embrace Insanity
As a society we have very little tolerance for diversity, I mean real diversity; the diversity of how we all experience reality. It is presumed reality is some sort of truth which is experienced the same universally, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. We all experience reality very differently. Because there is such a lack of acceptance of diversity, we take our experience and fit it into the narrow bandwidth which we call “normal”. If we experience reality outside of that range we are quickly identified, stigmatized and institutionalized.
Is the “normal” experiential bandwidth we deem as acceptable sane? The bandwidth which is leading us to destroy the only place we have to live, kill each other and have us so involved in the most trivial things that we value drama over self improvement and service to our community? So if someone has a “break from reality “, could we not see this as a good thing? Instead of judging them as unfit, could we not make room for their reality to seep into ours?
This is true diversity, a society who values all perceptions, all expressions of the human condition, where all insanity is met with open arms, so that our existence isn’t diluted down to a narrow range of acceptable experiences.
They say that before the Shaman awakens to his gifts, he goes mad. Often he wanders into the woods and is not seen for a long time. The community supports this individual as they know that he/she will bring them great wisdom from another world… from a reality outside this carefully constructed narrow bandwidth we call normal. So, before judging someone as insane, ask yourself, from what reference point are you experiencing reality??.. and what insanity have you been ignoring that you can bring into this predictably normal world. Let us open up the bandwidth of our reality and this is when we will experience real change… otherwise we are just reorganizing our conventional reality so it better suits each circumstance.