Bi/ Multi-directional Movement and the Illusion of Polarity
New concepts in Infinity Physics coming to light
Bidirectional movement in 3D is informing us that polarity in the physical does not exist beyond our perception of it. This is a stunning revelation as polarity is the key ingredient to the determined nature of all thing 3D.
Bidirectional flow of information/movement:
Traditionally we see things moving in one direction or another, as we isolate components of a unified system. This is however not true, all informational flow and movement are bidirectional. In order for something to expand, it is required that what it expands into contracts. If something is to contract, what is surrounding this contacting entity must expand. The expanding entity is given its energy from the contracting entity simultaneously and vice versa.
If we look at it differently… when you pour water from a jug into a glass many things happen. Water fills the glass, but also simultaneously air flows out of the glass. This is bidirectional movement. There is always an exchange so that equilibrium can be maintained. Also, water from the jug is being evacuated as air fills it.
If you look at a ball moving through space, it is really an exchange similar to the water and air (or you can say matter and space) in the jug. As the space contracts, the ball expands into it. Behind the ball, as the space expands the ball contracts. This is movement. It is a bidirectional flow of information flattened out over time through our perception.
Polarity does not exist outside our perception of it:
These mechanics tell us that polarity in fact does not exist in our reality, it exists only by virtue that we put our attention on one aspect of a whole; one octave in the symphonic harmony in every moment/ movement.
These mechanisms tell us the opposites work together in order to be determined in our reality. Expansion and contraction do not just only happen in a cycle, they in fact happen simultaneously. If we are focusing on the water and perceive the glass as our realty, we can say that aspect (water) is expanding in our reality. If we focus on the air, we can say it is contracting in our reality. If we are to focus on the water and perceive the jug as our reality, then that aspect (water) is contracting in our reality… as the air is expanding. The reality is, that it is ALL happening and it is true that the water and air are expanding AND contracting at all times simultaneously. The system never changes and maintains balance. The movement is caused through our perception of its parts through separation awareness.
You see, it is all the same. Everything balances out and nothing in the whole system ever changes… the movement is only the flow of information based on our perceptions and intentions. The system stays balanced and both opposing polarities are equally expressed in any action or reaction.
Our conscious intention is likely focused on the maximum expansion/contraction points within an isolation awareness, where expanding spheres pressure together into cubes to create our 3D reality (Walter Russell). But the reality is that this emanates from a universal expansion and contraction, the pulse of consciousness, shifting yet never surrendering its perfect balance.
It you really think about this, it fundamentally changes the way in which we perceive our reality. Thing on these things.