Unconditional Love Through Conscious Action
There is a formula which ensures all your action, words and thoughts are loving to yourself and others, and are of service to the greater good.
If you are like me, you’ve spent a great deal of time in your life contemplating your actions and agonizing over decisions to ensure they are loving to others; perhaps many times at your own detriment. Some of these actions have been perceived as “good” and others as “bad”, even selfish, by others. If you are like me, you’ve felt tremendous guilt when your actions have caused others to suffer, even though you put so much mental energy into making those decisions, which were in fact intended to be loving and of service to others.
We are not responsible for cause and effect and how people view or translate what we do though their unique perceptual lens, but we are responsible for what we put/ express into the world through our words and actions.
I will tell you, this I know for sure; if you dig through the maze of intentions of which all actions and reactions stem, all intentions are loving. Yes, all initial intentions from every human always is loving. It is the mind which manipulates action and distorts human intention. Everyone manipulates. Every time you to try and convince someone to change their viewpoint, or even when you try to make others understand yours, you are manipulating others into having the same perceptual lens of reality which you do. Your intention is loving and perhaps you wish to save others from suffering, but the outcome your actions and words are judgement, fear and domination of the other. Your judgement is telling them this action will bring them freedom and that action suffering. You use fear to motivate, and promise of reward to promote specific actions; actions which are in alignment with your opinions and ideologies. This is the game of the mind.. the game of the dysfunctional world which the human creates.
You will never promote freedom through actions which stem from manipulation. You will only promote freedom when you create an environment which allows the other to find it within themselves. Everything unfolds from within, and only actions which are sourced from your own inner contemplation are aligned with your true and unconditionally loving intentions.
So, before each action, and even before thought, you must connect with the deeper intention you have which moves you to action in the first place. If your intention has you putting restrictions on your love, when you will give it or when you will withhold it, then this is an intention of the mind, one created from your own fears; you must look deeper. If there is nothing deeper, then you must not act, you must not speak, as your intended action is in fact a reaction based on you own conditioning and self-domestication. Breathe. Forget the situation. Forget the event, environment and the players. What is your intention in this moment?
Here will be revealed your true self, your true motivations to action; it will be revealed to you as to how to act from a place of unconditional love. All actions, words and thought which arise from this seed will flower into love through your actions, through your expression of it in the physical. Jackson has told me, this is what love is. From action inspired by this depth of awareness, you will never bring fear and control into the world. You will always nourish love, peace and freedom.
This is a skill, one which you can develop. As you develop this skill you reorient yourself into putting your energy into self discovery in every situation before you express and act into the world. If every experience invoked self discovery and every action arises from unconditionally loving intentions, then you are always in alignment with your deepest self, the one who sees everything as an expression of a universal love which is only divided and distorted through the fragmented perceptions of humanity.
To put time, effort and devotion in development of these skills is a journey which all humanity is being called to embark on; and embarking on this journey is putting your energy into the discovery of who you are and of loving yourself completely.
Formula: first bring awareness to how the situation teaches you about yourself. The focus here is 100% on you and self discovery. Connect with/ set your intentions as to how you want to honor that teaching for yourself. Next determine the best action which will express what you have learned about yourself into the world.