The Consciousness Behind COVID
Everything in our sensory reality is generated through cyclical intentions within consciousness. These intentions develop through cycles which are forever living and forever dying. So, when I look at my sensory reality, I am always curious to understand what consciousness is behind it… what is our reality showing us about ourselves and our deeper intentions?
First, I would like to say that I have no opinion whether someone should wear a mask or not, social distance or not, or any other polarized topic attached to this issue. I have no interest in having an opinion, I am only interested in understanding and learning from the consciousness which moves this drama into our reality.
There is an intention set within consciousness: that we are ready to fully accept ourselves as we are and be completely open with the world as to our true nature. We have decided to stop judging ourselves, hiding our shortcomings from the world, and we are endeavoring to bear ourselves, naked in the light of our own divinity. We have come to understand that in a polarized reality, life will be messy and our actions past, present or future, are not something we can judge ourselves and others by. This is manifesting within our sensory reality as COVID.
This virus is driving people into isolation as a representation of the distance we put between each other due to our fears of being exposed. This is what really causes separation in the world; our fears about ourselves. It creates a force which separates us from each other. The way to true unity is not by using force to connect with others, but it is in voiding/ negating the force which we expend which separates us from each other in the first place. This is what we are trying to do. This is what this virus is bringing to our awareness.
The masks which some wear is our recognition of our fears of putting our true selves into the world, without filters or fears of judgement; hiding behind the mask. There is nothing wrong with wearing a mask; through this manifestation we are seeing how we are hiding our true selves, out of the fear of being judged. Without the masks, we would not be able to plant the seed of this awareness.
There are some which do not wear masks and who feel judged by those who do, as sometimes people will become very angry. They become angry because this maskless person is reflecting back to them their own fears of being exposed. Again, there is nothing wrong with not wearing a mask as without this, we would not become aware of our intense fears of being exposed.
Those who don’t wear masks may feel judged or become angry or resentful because they feel that they are being judged for being themselves, who they truly are. As mentioned above, this is not the case. Those who they think are judging them, are only afraid of being exposed. So, through this process, those who feel judged for not wearing a mask are learning that they are the ones who are judging themselves. They are being asked to release their own self judgement so that they can see the “self-fear” in the other, rather than feel judged by it.
So, everyone is afraid. We are not afraid of the virus, the masks, isolation, vaccines, etc, but rather, we are releasing our fears of exposing our deepest vulnerabilities, of being judged as imperfect in a cruel world. As we become aware of this, the forces which separate us from each other will begin to crumble and we will see ourselves in the eyes of every human being we encounter, and finally fully accept ourselves in that reflection, and as a consequence, fully accept the other. This is true unity.
A year or two ago, I was going through some difficult times and had to let go of my identity completely. This was of course a messy process and at times really did not look pretty. As I remade who I was, I was determined to be ME, in my “truest” form, no matter what; to accept myself fully and not hide any aspect of who I was from the world. I had a lot of ups and downs going through this process. In the thick of it, Jackson told me “you’re doing good dad, you’re just learning to become an angel”. I asked him what that meant. He told me that in order to become an angel I must fully accept every part of who I am. He said that an angel helps other by reflecting back to them their beauty and potential. He continued by saying that angels also reflect back to people their deepest fears and challenges; but that an angel has already seen these fears and challenges within himself and accepted them. So, when others saw their own darkness in an angel’s reflection, they would also learn to accept that darkness within themselves. He told me I was diving into the depth of my darkness so that I could accept those parts of myself, so that others could too.
He was right. I constantly carried around with me a tremendous amount of guilt, for things I had done and times I had fallen short. Going through this process I started to realize that they were all part of a cycle which brought me to learn, grow and become more compassionate, and that those same experiences in fact did the same for others. And so, I started looking back at all of those experiences in my past and saw them all with the beauty which was enfolded within them the whole time. And so started my journey of becoming an angel. Jackson told me that it was everyone’s destiny to become an angel.
So, to put it poetically, the consciousness behind all of the chaos right now, is the intention for us to become angels and reflect our beauty and goodness within each other. So, go through the process and know that no matter where you stand with your opinions, what experiences you go through, how you react to your environment, how much you struggle; you are in fact becoming an angel.