Infinity Physics Diagram
Jackson and I have been working the past couple of days on our always evolving infinity physics. We likely could write a book or two on the dynamics of these concepts, however, in the interest of sharing the information, we have created a diagram and a brief description for any interested parties.
Everything in our reality (as we predominantly experience it) is polarized. Without polarity, our sensory realty doesn’t exist. There is no sound without silence, no matter without space, no light without darkness (and vice versa). This is also true about thoughts, emotions and opinions as well. If it is the case that one can’t live without the other, it makes sense then to say that on some level the polarized elements are One (within consciousness). How could they not be if their existence is not possible without the other? The intention (perception) splits the One into two parts resulting in creation. The two can never be brought together in the space/matter loop. We, as consciousness, observe these pairs within the cycle. The force which keeps these pairs apart is our very PERCEPTION that they are separate/apart/polarized.
Each polarized element has its expansion and contraction within the cycle, like night and day. They are both “alive” and at the forefront at any given moment, it only depends on your time zone (reference point) what you experience. So both are active, but can seem in cycle because of time (the flow of information). That is why there is 2 intersection point through time in the space/matter loop. The polarized pair play out their existence while consciousness (us) experiences their existence. If we start to realize aspects of the two which are in common, our perception changes and the force which separates the 2 is diminished within our awareness. This is why attention has to be given to both elements throughout their cycle. We need to throw ourselves into the experience of BOTH positive and negative elements of our polarized reality in order to understand them as a whole. Why do you think people who are aware struggle so much? They are committed to looking at both polarities of their experience.
When you (consciousness) does this, you have the opportunity to void the charge between the polarized pair and the information is annihilated (rather something new is created… read my FB post about negation being reproduction). So the 2 become unified into a new form (actually wave) by virtue of consciousness (the 3rd) observing itself as separation and loving it back home (as an analogy). So everything springs from rest and is polarized. Everything remains polarized (feedback loop) until the force which keeps it apart is voided and is brought back to rest as a new awareness. This is how consciousness grows and evolves. The nexus in the middle holds everything polarized, everything conscious, every intention, infinity, stillness, the One.
In understanding this model and evolve it, it allows us to see our lives holistically and bring awareness to every aspect of it, from every infinite angle… literally.
This material has been developed through Jackson’s incredible and beautiful perception of the universe and my experiences exploring that with him. Some of the language being used to describe these concepts are influenced by Walter Russell’s work who incredibly was developing these ideas and awareness’s 70 years ago. So advanced for his time, the genius Nichola Tesla told him to lock his book away for 1000 years until humanity was ready to receive it!
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