Reality is an illusion; developing the un-physics of infinity/unity.
Our reality is based on two things. Measurement and comparison. Let’s start by talking about measurement.
A line can be divided infinitely. This is to say that you can keep halving any line and continue to do so forever. How is it that a finite line, a measured line (point A to B), can be infinitely divided? Humans have been wondering this for thousands of years. [1] At the same time, on this same measured line you are able to introduce an infinite amount of points. How does this make sense? Let’s look at other physical objects which “can be measured”. [2] Take for instance fractals. These are shapes which you can magnify infinitely and will continue to display the same qualities and characteristics of their “larger” magnification (you can zoom into the object infinitely and still see the same shape). So again, how is it that anything in our material reality has a quality of infinity? What is infinity? Most would say that it never ends. I would say that it has the quality of which it cannot be measured (hence we say it goes on forever, which makes no sense in physics). So, infinite refers to anything which cannot be measured.
When looking at matter as matter (without time), any line has the quality of being infinite by virtue of its fractalization. Everything in our material reality has the quality in which it can be measured. If you can’t measure it, it is not physical. What is it we use to measure object? Lines; distances from point A to point B (and C in 3D). The same lines in which we can put an infinite amount of points on. The same lines which can be divided infinitely. This means that all objects in material reality can be infinitely divided and infinitely added to. This is the first point; we are basing our reality on the fact that everything we experience in our physical world if finite, when in fact it also is infinite. All of physics and mathematics only studies that which it can measure, that which it can measure and compare. We experience many things in our reality which we cannot measure as such, and, I am telling you now, your physical reality is no different; it is as transient, fleeting and dynamic as the very existence of your own awareness.
The second point… don’t worry I’m going somewhere with all this…
Once we measure something, we can compare it. Without comparison, nothing could be referenced. We are small compared to the universe, however it is possible that our universe is but an electron in a much larger universe, if we were to observe and measure a larger universe. Without comparison, nothing exists. There is no light without darkness, no darkness without light. There is no matter without space, no space without matter. Let’s explore this for a moment. Matter needs to “be somewhere”, a specific coordinate\ vector within space. Consider this: if there were only but one “dot” in reality, where would it be? It would be nowhere as it would be everything and space would not exist. Not only would it be nowhere, but seeing that it is everything, we would not be able to measure it. If we want to add a second object, we need space, as the objects need to be separated by “something” (more on this later). Nothing in the physical world can be truly unified, as separation is the very thing which brings matter and space into being; it’s no wonder that everything in our physical universe can be divided forever and not the other way around; at least as of yet (unobserved singularity in a blackhole).
So, space brings matter to life, and matter brings space to life. But if we are “separating” this matter (creating object and space) through a measurement which has the quality of being infinite, how does this make sense? Whatever we perceive is our reality and so finite measurement, space and matter are a PERCEPTION. Take for example the 3D dimension of our reality. I could make a case that our reality has no dimension, however, let’s just start by looking at depth.
If a draw a cube on a flat piece of paper I in fact see a 3D object. This is clearly not the case, as it is drawn on a 2D surface. It’s the same thing when you are watching TV or go to the movies. The image you are seeing is in fact 2D (projected on a 2D screen) but very much looks 3D. How does this happen? Your perception of reality creates the environment in which you can make sense of this projection; otherwise it would just be flat with a bunch of colors, in shapes which you recognize as different measured objects. You are in fact creating a 3rd dimension where there is none, based on your perception (interpretation) of the information you are processing. This “projection screen” in your everyday “reality” is space/ matter. Look around you now and imagine that everything you see is flat and it is only your perception making those lines and shadows and light turn your flat reality into 3D. The only thing which makes your reality different is you feeling separate from it, and your motion within it. This is where time comes into the picture.
Time is actually the flow of information through the light/ electric projection of reality. As the information in your reality restructures itself through your perception of it, it causes you to believe that you are in motion and reorienting yourself in relation to everything else. In your measure/compare perceptual reality, you are separate from everything and time passes as you move. The truth is, you are not separate from anything, you cannot be measured or compared and time is the flow of information which projects new data into the electric/light universe based on your perceptions of it. Everything around you in the physical is changing and in motion constantly… there is nothing in the physical which does not move. From the smallest particle to the earth we stand on, everything in our physical reality moves and vibrates at phenomenal speeds, but we do not perceive much of this motion, why? It is because this motion is actually the reorganization of information (pixels if you will) in our space/ matter reality. This is why we can touch objects which are literally 99.999% space. Matter reorganizes itself at beyond light speeds to create a solidified environment, “filling in” the gaps as we go. The fan which spins fast enough will appear solid, but a fan can’t spin fast enough to BE solid… however, if the blades were information which reorganizes itself based on our matter/measurement/space/comparison reality, it most definitely could. This is a lot to take in I understand, however give it some thought.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of this framework which is being brought to our awareness. In this framework we are developing through our own KNOWING and the research of others KNOWING: Who we truly are is consciousness in its unified, unchanging and motionless self.
So now that you have a little background, here’s how it work, the mechanics:
At the heart of who we are, we are Source. We are a unified, unchanging, motionless consciousness; omnipotent, and eternal. As this consciousness, we set out designed INTENTIONS which flow from us and become POLARIZED into cycles of information (perhaps as light as Walter Russell suggests). Within these polarized cycles of information are two separate parts who wish to come together, but never do, much as light and darkness never will. This cyclic informational cycle creates “spin” within space/matter. This is what you may call the event horizon of the black hole, and the “spin” of the creation of polarity is the “singularity”. Physicist Nassim Haramein is proving that black holes are at the center of everything, including the smallest of particles. From this “spin” is projected our physical reality. That intention which has APPEARED to polarize consciousness, informs space\matter as to the makeup of its configuration and spins your reality into being. Everything in your reality has spin into the material, and also spin back into consciousness. Everything in reality lives and dies in every cycle of that spin, recreating the configuration of the evolving information within the one INTENTION. So, consciousness projects “realty” and is also (in the right circumstances) informed by it.
We believe ourselves to be our physical bodies and therefore perceive our reality through this vantage point. From our BODY perception we experience reality as light and electricity. These are what create FEEDBACK. In the purely physical sense (the illusion), as our BODIES, we are biological organisms which sense our environment through electric feedback of our reality within our nervous system. Our brains store this information so it can work by instinct to respond to different stimuli. Memory is but a recording of the illusionary landscape of the photonic/ electric universe we have created through our intention and perceptions. Our brains don’t think, they record and command action (react). This is the illusion we have; that we are our bodies. Our KNOWING comes from our consciousness, which is not located in the brain, it is non-localized (as is physical realty according to quantum physics). Unconscious only refers to the state of dampened electrical signals within the body. As consciousness, you are always conscious. As to whether you are aware of that depends on your awareness and perception.
In order to move outside of the conditioned instinctive body, you must look towards consciousness and recognize it as yourself. What I mean is that the “cause and effect” reality you live in is caught in a feedback loop. It looks like cause and effect, but unless the information which informs consciousness is changed, it will only appear and reappear (live, die and resurrect) into different configurations of the same information. There is a way however in which we can inform consciousness (who we truly are) so that not only does our physical reality change, but it becomes less physical as we discover ourselves as something beyond it. You must look at your reality differently. The CAUSE of your reality is the INTENTION which created the polarity, and the EFFECT is all of your material reality. Because information flows in both directions from every point in material reality, as soon as you inform yourself as to the CAUSE of your reality, you will begin to put attention and energy into FEEDBACK which flows back to Source. In doing so, you will learn about yourself, who you truly are, and, you will become curious to learn more. That is when you start to becoming conscious of the FEEDBACK which allows you to create from who you are, consciousness. Once you enter the FEEDBACK loop to consciousnesses, you are now being informed by the Source rather than the illusion, and you are creating masterpieces in the illusion which point back to source. This is the way we are finding out how to unify polarity. We are learning the dance to the symphony which we ourselves wrote. We are finding ways to live through the cycle rather than the projection. We are learning who we are.
[1] Greek philosopher, Zeno of Elea believed he had satisfied his curiosity of this quandary through some “thought experiments”. These ideas satisfied most people as the perceptions he presents as to a finite segmentation is observable in “real life” scenarios, but the truth is that it is not mathematically solved (it is actually because he introduced TIME into the equation that his viewpoint SEEMS logical).
[2] You can always more precisely measure an object, example shorelines, so can we really say that it is measured